Hi! I'm Felicia Nagamatsu.

Welcome to Train Your Genius.
This is a space where all people get to embrace our natural genius and express it with joy. Good news! Human diversity is natural, expected, and valued. We can develop ourselves, and live at our highest potential. Right now, today.

Train Your Genius is a community. We play together at what we care about. For that reason, we naturally form organic genius teams where all the pieces come together
On the way, we find or invent what helps us grow.

We invent courses, games, write books, make videos. You name it, we do it. It's who we are. We were given our genius gifts, and use them to the fullest.

So… welcome!

You belong here. You and your loved ones deserve to thrive. You are the reason Train Your Genius was born.
See you around campus!

Neurodiversity Interest Form