Spirituality & Neurodiversity

"Spiritual" refers to the invisible/unseen aspects of life, as opposed to physical or material things. It involves a sense of connection to something greater than oneself. This includes religions, yet goes far beyond religions. Each of us is free to choose our beliefs. We are not free to opt out of Spirituality. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, governed by spiritual laws that work the way they work. Unchangeable laws.

If you don't believe in religion, consider quantum science, which says 95% of our universe is invisible. It is unseen, unknown, and unknowable. That vast, unseen part of the universe exists, whether we like it or not. We have a relationship to it. We are part of it. This is the realm of the Spiritual.

People explore and express spirituality through practices like meditation, prayer, reflection, and acts of compassion. These include religion, but are not limited to religion. Creativity, expressed through art, music, and dance are spiritual. Connection with people, animals, and nature, are other spiritual expressions. These deep and personal experiences can provide a sense of fulfillment and serenity. 

Spiritual laws do not change. Human opinion changes. There is a simple, reliable way to predict outcomes in life. When people live in alignment with spiritual laws, the natural outcome is peace, love, and prosperity, over time. When people don't align with spiritual laws, the natural outcome is contention, hatred, and hard times. This is the law of the harvest. What you sow, you reap. Nothing can change it... not popular opinion, not governments, economic policies, nor traditions... absolutely nothing changes the law of the harvest. Spiritual laws work the way spiritual laws work. Reliable, repeatable. Every time.

Neurodiversity is no exception.

For ALL people, spiritual laws work according to certain principles.

For those with neurodiverse gifts, it is helpful to learn a few basic concepts.

The Basics of Human Diversity:

Human beings are a neurodiverse species. Our diversity is natural, expected, and essential.

Now consider... if 95% of nature is unseen and unknown, that includes people.

We don't know ourselves! Who we are, or what we can become.

We have spiritual gifts that are natural, expected, and essential.

Our spiritual gifts are ESSENTIAL, for the good of all.

Neurodiverse gifts can go beyond the 'ordinary experience' of the group as a whole. There are sensory gifts, such as extra special ways of seeing, hearing, and sensing vibration. And other gifts of spiritual perception, including intuition, insight, flashes of inspiration, spiritual vision, knowing beyond our human experience, and many more. Inventors, artists, musicians... all of us have gifts, and can seek to know them.

Spiritual gifts have been given to each person. We cannot buy them. We are responsible for them. Our gifts can be developed to high levels. When we accept our gifts, train and develop ourselves, we can contribute to the good of all. This brings deep satisfaction.


'Spiritual' refers to the invisible/unseen aspects of life, as opposed to physical or material things. It involves a sense of connection to something greater than oneself, which can be a higher power, the universe, nature, or simply the deeper aspects of one's own being. For billions of people, it includes a personal connection with God. Spiritual connection may bring meaning, purpose, inner peace, and understanding about life beyond the tangible world.

People express their spirituality through practices like meditation, prayer, reflection, and acts of compassion. It's a deeply personal experience that may bring fulfillment and serenity. 

Neurodiverse people can seek out and develop their special spiritual gifts. This is a great blessing to all the world.

Spiritual Maps & Guidance

In navigating the stages of life, spiritual connection can be a profound source of strength and guidance. This is a big help with the special challenges of neurodiversity, relationships, and crisis situations.

Spiritual growth is valuable. Religions were set up to help people understand their spiritual nature, how spiritual laws work, how to thrive. Each religion is like a different language, speaking about the invisible unseen realities. Felicia has found it useful to 'speak' more than one language of religion. It helps to connect with people in different cultures. It shows respect and honor, to give and receive love in the religious language people hold sacred.

Whatever the language or culture, people need to grow up spiritually, in order to thrive.

If we don't understand spiritual laws, and don't grow up, we suffer emotional pain. We cannot understand the challenges of life.

When our neurodiverse gifts don't 'match' the group experience, we can get confused. It seems like we don't fit in. We can miss our spiritual gifts, or misuse them. We can feel hurt, or hurt others. In some cases, our gifts may feel like a curse.

Ironic. It is our gifts, our treasure, that we reject. Our great contribution. A simple misunderstanding, often at a young age... We come to feel we don't belong. And we seek to hide. To mask. To pretend we don't have these gifts.

This is where many of us decide we don't belong. We might go away physically or emotionally. Cut off communication. Leave the family. Leave the religion. Leave town. There can be anger, blame, and bewilderment. If this has happened to you or those in your circle, we get it.

Please know this: You are not alone. You are loved. You are wanted. There is a way back, to love and be loved. Below are some practices to get started.


Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices like mindfulness and meditation can help neurodiverse individuals manage stress, increase focus, and enhance emotional regulation.

Acceptance and Compassion: Many spiritual teachings emphasize acceptance and compassion, encouraging a supportive environment for those who are neurodiverse.

Personal Growth: Spiritual practices often focus on personal growth and self-awareness, which can help neurodiverse individuals better understand and embrace their unique strengths.


Spiritual Connection: Engaging in shared spiritual practices, like attending services or meditation sessions together, can strengthen bonds and create deeper connections.

Ethical Frameworks: Spirituality often provides ethical guidelines that promote kindness, respect, and empathy in relationships.

Conflict Resolution: Spiritual teachings can offer valuable insights into forgiveness, patience, and understanding, helping to resolve conflicts and build healthier relationships.


Finding Meaning: Spirituality can help individuals find meaning and purpose in difficult times, providing a sense of hope and resilience.

Community Support: Spiritual communities often come together to offer support, whether through prayer groups, support circles, or practical help.

Inner Peace: Spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and reflection can provide inner peace and comfort during crises.

By integrating spirituality into these aspects of life, you can create a more nurturing, supportive, and resilient environment.

Religions of the World

We encourage all to seek spiritual growth, in their own way. You may consider spiritual questions, such as Where did we come from? Why are we here on earth? What happens after death?

Billions of people grow spiritually by participating in religions. If you are searching for a religion, here are some of the major religions of the world. Each of these religions have unique beliefs, practices, and cultural significance. This list is not intended as a complete list, but as a starting point.

1. Christianity

Followers: Christians

Sacred Texts: The Bible, The Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price

Key Beliefs: Belief in God. Belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior. Belief in the Holy Spirit.

Some Denominations: Roman Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

2. Islam

Followers: Muslims

Sacred Text: The Quran

Key Beliefs: Belief in Allah as the one true God and Muhammad as His prophet.

Branches: Sunni, Shia, Sufi (a mystical branch of Islam)

3. Hinduism

Followers: Hindus

Sacred Texts: The Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita.

Key Beliefs: Belief in a supreme being with many forms, karma, and reincarnation.

4. Buddhism

Followers: Buddhists

Sacred Texts: The Tripitaka, Mahayana Sutras.

Key Beliefs: The Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and achieving Nirvana.

5. Sikhism

Followers: Sikhs

Sacred Text: The Guru Granth Sahib

Key Beliefs: Belief in one God, equality of all people, and service to humanity.

6. Judaism

Followers: Jews

Sacred Texts: The Torah, Talmud

Key Beliefs: Belief in one God, adherence to the commandments given to Moses.

7. Baha'i Faith

Followers: Baha'i

Sacred Text: The Kitáb-i-Aqdas

Key Beliefs: Unity of all religious teachings, oneness of humanity, and equality.

8. Shinto

Followers: Shintoists

Sacred Texts: Kojiki, Nihon Shoki

Key Beliefs: Worship of kami (spirits), rituals, and connection to nature.

9. Taoism

Followers: Taoists

Sacred Texts: Tao Te Ching, Zhuangzi

Key Beliefs: Living in harmony with the Tao (the Way), simplicity, and balance.

10. Confucianism

Followers: Confucians

Sacred Texts: The Analects, Five Classics

Key Beliefs: Ethics, family loyalty, and social harmony.

These religions shape the beliefs and practices of billions of people around the world.

What I Believe & Why TrainYourGenius.com

This is Felicia Nagamatsu. I believe in God, our Heavenly Father, and that Jesus Christ is His Only Begotten Son, the Savior of the world. I believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to earth in 1830. I believe that priesthood keys have been restored to earth, with power to bless all people on earth who have lived or will yet live, who choose it. I believe that Jesus Christ will return to earth, and that now is the time to prepare. I invite all to come and experience the love of God, and His Son, Jesus Christ. I honor, love, and respect all sincere believers, from 'every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.'

Why TrainYourGenius.com? In my spiritual journey, I struggled for over 60 years with emotional and mental health issues. For half of my life, I was against religions. I was angry at God, churches, and religions. Even after I became a Christian, I struggled. I could not fit in or 'match' the group. Through many direct, sacred experiences with God, I came to know for myself, that our creator, God, loves diversity. By design, He made us all different, with many spiritual gifts. I want to share the Good News, that God loves ALL his children. And we can be in relationship with God. That we can love ourselves as He does, living in peace. Joyful. Different, and One. Together. This is the reason for TrainYourGenius.com.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints


Christian Joy Call - Mon-Fri 8:45 am ET. In US call 727-731-9005. 15 mins of scripture, praise, prayer. www.WakeandWorship.org

Jewish Studio Project.org - cultivates creativity as a Jewish practice for spiritual connection and social transformation. Vision a future in which every person is connected to their inherent creativity.


Sufi - Dances of Universal Peace YouTube video - Discover the power of dance and music as connection with Divine.
