FELICIA NAGAMATSU is a global advocate for Full Spectrum Intelligence, where neurodiversity is natural, expected, and valued.
She partners WITH people who have gifts of dyslexia, autism, ADHD, OCD, bipolar, and more. Leveraging 30 years’ experience with neurodiversity, she helps people thrive, no matter what.
Felicia Nagamatsu founded HSP Alliance and TrainYourGenius.com to help families remove shame, restore confidence, and master their inborn gifts.
She is passionate about expanding education for visual-spatial learners. This enhances learning for all people, while it removes a barrier for people with dyslexia, ADHD, and autism.
Speaker, teacher, life coach, breakthrough expert, author, and inventor holding two patents. Her greatest achievement: a neurodiverse marriage partnership, 47 years strong, and counting.
BRIAN NAGAMATSU is married to FELICIA. Brian is a Mechanical Engineer and an Inventor with patents. After many years Brian found out that he was Dyslexic. It was a great relief finding out why school and learning with verbal instruction was so difficult. The classroom situation was very difficult and there was always dreading being called out to answer a question. Reading was difficult and multiple choice exams were very frightening. At the same time working with physical items and drawings were very easy. Brian has used his dyslexic talents in his product development and invention work.
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